In the past, the curing process was entirely at the mercy of weather conditions. This factor was not much of a problem as long as production was low. However, problems started to arise when we shifted from traditional production to industrial manufacturing. Production increased to keep up with market demand which in turn made it difficult to control the homogeneity of products to be cured. Then was when we decided to dedicate all our efforts to offering our clients a solution that did not depend on unstable weather conditions but rather offered peace of mind and thus be able to ensure the desired production capacity and homogeneity in and between batches of product.
Our devices
are endorsed
by 40 years
of experience
Our devices are endorsed by 40 years of experience
In the 1970’s, Refrica was the first to modify a standard heat pump and convert it into a dryer.
In 1979 after having designed and tested various prototypes, Refrica launched the first artificial dryer on the market.
Our devices are endorsed by 40 years of experience
Based on the client’s needs, installations can be automatic or centralized. Refrigerants may be indirect (propylene glycol) or direct (NH3 or Freon (HFC)).