Sant Eloi Award

We are very happy and grateful to have received the Sant Eloi Award from the Association of Metallurgical Companies of the Metal Province of Girona on November 24. This award reflects recognition of our past and present, as well as a strong drive towards the future, and clearly reaffirms our commitment and dedication as a…

Refrica acquires the company Fritecno

REFRICA celebrates its 75th anniversary and acquires FRITECNO, consolidating its leadership in Industrial Refrigeration and its commitment to customers. Refrica, a company with 75 years of history, has successfully completed the acquisition of Fritecno, a company recognized for its great prestige in the same field. In the words of Quim Casassas, CEO of Refrica, this…

Maturation Chambers

Optimizing the quality of beef with our state-of-the-art Maturation Chambers. At Refrica, we are specialists in the construction of maturation chambers for beef, a process that directly influences the quality, flavor and tenderness of the gastronomic product. Veal maturation is a process that requires controlled time, temperature and humidity. With our state-of-the-art aging chambers, we…

Refrigeration Installation

Start-up of a new refrigeration facility that will serve a defrosting chamber with a capacity for 40 trolleys, using moist heat instead of electric resistances. In this way we achieve great advantages, such as: 1️⃣ Maintaining organoleptic characteristics of the defrosted product. 2️⃣ Avoiding product dehydration with defrosting systems using resistances. 3️⃣ Achieving uniform and…

Heat exchangers

Heat exchangers, the great supporting players in industrial refrigeration. The main goal of the refrigeration world is the transfer of energy, especially heat transfer. The efficiency of this transfer is of vital importance for refrigeration systems as it affects our energy consumption and can give us a competitive advantage over the competition. The proper selection…

Improvement of Industrial Maintenance

The reliability requirements for various elements found in industrial facilities, as well as the efficiency demands driven by factors such as energy costs or regulations related to CO2 emissions associated with the activity, are increasing every day. These demands, along with the growing difficulty for industries to afford backup units (especially for expensive equipment) to…

New notification system

New notification system for sending instant messages, both text and multimedia, to keep users informed efficiently and immediately. This Refrica notification system has several significant advantages. First, it eliminates the need for phone coverage to receive messages, as it uses the client’s corporate network Internet connection. This allows notifications to arrive reliably and without depending…


The 29th edition of the Seafood fair has been a great opportunity for us to meet professionals in the sea sector and establish connections. We were able to learn a lot from the people we met and also shared our own insight and knowledge. We have created synergies with several companies in the sector with…