IV Foro Cárnico 2019

Participation in the “Foro Cárnico” Meat Forum held on November 6, 2019 in the City of Girona. Interempresas Media, editor of the Tecnocarne publication, and IRTA, a world-renowned research institute in the agri-food sector, organize the main congress of the meat sector on the Iberian Peninsula. The objective is to present and analyse the latest…


SIDE and HMS celebrate the 4th edition of FLEXTHINK to address digital transformation. Its more than 500 attendees in previous years support the interest of this conference. This year Refrica we have been one of the guests to present our real success story in the application of the remote access service, essential to be efficient…


Nou producte #Rsentinel, basat únicament amb el Ewon. Aquest nou producte es podria resumir en una sola frase, « vigilem al que vigila ». Des de les oficines de Refrica fem una supervisió activa dels equips Ewon instal·lats a les empreses dels nostres clients, que contracten aquest servei. Amb l’Ewon es redueix a 0 aquest temps de…

Assembly of 24 evaporators

Assembly of 24 evaporators for a 0ºC stabilization chamber, with a joint cooling power of 1200Kw. Each evaporator with 4 individually communicated EC motors (96 nodes), to adjust the air speed of each one for the different operating configurations of the chamber and to have a comprehensive diagnosis of each of the fans, consumption, rpm,…

Refrica tribute dinner

Last weekend, in Refrica we held a dinner, in which 36 people were honoured, including people who have retired in recent years, and people who have worked with us for more than 25 years. At the event, we made a public recognition of their commitment, involvement and absolute dedication to the company by all of…

IFFA 2019

IFFA, the must-attend show for the global meat industry starts today, on May, 4th. We are waiting for you to show our latest novelties, at HALL 12.0 – STAND A31. More information in https://iffa.messefrankfurt.com/frankfurt/en.html